New York has not offered this exception, but should. Licensed private investigators in certain other states, such as Florida, receive an exception to the window tint laws. The industry has evolved and more private investigation companies are performing essential services to help protect people and assist organizations with operating effectively. Investigators also provide critical background checks of healthcare and child care workers to prevent putting the wrong person in a job charged with caring for a vulnerable population. Many private investigators are employed in the insurance industry, investigating liability claims and helping to reduce the more than $90 billion in annual insurance fraud costs-costs which flow down to all consumers. Private investigators can be portrayed as intrusive and rogue, but the truth is they serve an important function in our economy and society. However, there is another group of constituents that are highly concerned about this law-private investigators who require window tinting to effectively perform surveillance activities. Opponents of the legislation, including the New York group that started the repeal petition, are mostly concerned about civil liberties and costs for removing existing tints on vehicles.
#Ny state tint law drivers
Proponents of the legislation include law enforcement, which cites safety concerns for officers approaching vehicles as well as visibility between drivers and passengers and other drivers as the necessity for the law–all very valid concerns. The legislation requires windshield and front windows (as well as the rear windows in certain vehicles) to let in 70% of light, essentially a factory-level tint. Last week a petition was created in support of repealing New York’s recently enacted window tint law.